Current Population Survey (CPS) data
A subsample of the 2019 Current Population Survey (CPS) consisting of data on individuals aged 30 to 59 (inclusive)
A data frame with 4,013 rows and 17 columns:
- statefips
Two-character state code, including DC
- gender
Gender (Male, Female)
- metro
Metropolitan-area (Metro, Non-Metro)
- race
Race category (Black, White, Other)
- hispanic
Hispanic (Hispanic, Non-hispanic)
- marstatus
Marital status (Married, Divorced, Widowed, Never married)
- lfstatus
Labor-force status (Employed, Unemployed, Not in LF)
- ottipcomm
Earnings include overtime, tips, and/or commissions (Yes, No)
- hourly
Hourly-worker status (Hourly, Non-hourly)
- unionstatus
Union status (Union, Non-union)
- age
Age (in years)
- hrslastwk
Hours worked last week
- unempwks
Number of weeks unemployed
- wagehr
Hourly wage (in dollars); only for hourly employees
- earnwk
Earnings last week (in dollars)
- ownchild
Number of children in household
- educ
Highest education level attained (in years)