Housing price data
Data on house sales in Ames, Iowa between 2006 and 2010. The dataset is limited to one-family homes with public utilities and excludes new home sales.
A data frame with 973 rows and 16 columns:
- lotarea
Area of lot (in square feet)
- overallqual
Overall home quality (scale 1-10, 10 best)
- yearbuilt
Year house was built
- yearremodadd
Year house was remodeled (equal to yearbuilt if never)
- bsmtfinsf
Area of finished basement (in square feet, 0 if no finished basement)
- grlivarea
Total non-basement living area (in square feet)
- fullbath
Number of full bathrooms
- halfbath
Number of half bathrooms
- bedroomabvgr
Number of non-basement bedrooms
- totrmsabvgrd
Number of non-basement rooms (not including bathrooms)
- fireplaces
Number of fireplaces
- garagecars
Size of garage (0 if no garage)
- mosold
Month house sold (1=Jan,...,12=Dec)
- yrsold
Year house sold
- saleprice
Sales price of house (in dollars)
- centralair
1 if house has central air, 0 otherwise