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linear_combination takes a set of regression results and a vector representing a linear combination of the parameters and returns the estimate, standard error, and p-value for the null hypothesis that the linear combination is equal to zero.


linear_combination(regresults, R)



A list containing two items: coefficients, which is a vector of coefficient estimates, and vcov, which is the variance-covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates.


A vector of length equal to the number of coefficients, representing weights on each of the parameters.


List with the following values:

  • estimate, the point estimate of the linear combination

  • se, the standard error of the point estimate

  • p_value, the p-value for the null hypothesis that the linear combination is equal to zero


# test that the returns to one year of education are equal to ten years of age
model <- estimatr::lm_robust(earnwk ~ age + educ, data = cps)
R <- c(0, -10, 1) # 0 * `intercept` - 10 * `age` + 1 * `education`
linear_combination(model, R)
#> $estimate
#> [1] 59.68426
#> $se
#> [1] 15.37938
#> $p_value
#> [1] 0.0001041142